2012-01-31 | 16:03:14 | Kategori:
Med en kompis!
2012-01-31 | 16:01:01 | Kategori:
Twittrar Wilmer
2012-01-31 | 15:59:53 | Kategori:
Med ett fan
2012-01-30 | 14:29:53 | Kategori:
Idol - Skyscraper
Denna tjejen är bipolär (så som Demi) och när hon hade sjungit klart så va bakgrunds låten Skyscraper.
Om du inte vet vad bipolär är för något klicka
/ladda upp detta pga brist på nyheter.
2012-01-30 | 14:21:56 | Kategori:
2 till bilder från M Jones 2011
Väldigt dålig uppdatering pga brist på nyheter!
2012-01-29 | 18:35:54 | Kategori:
Gif's - 4
2012-01-28 | 11:30:24 | Kategori:
Ny bild från M Jones 2011
2012-01-28 | 11:27:00 | Kategori:
Flashback - 28 Januari - 2011
2012-01-28 | 11:26:54 | Kategori:
Inatt så hade Demi och tidningen Seventeen en grej där fansen kunde ställa frågor via twitter och Demi svara. Här under kan ni se frågorna. Demi är inte tillbaka på twitter än,hon svarade bara på dessa frågor.
Men det finns många fans som inte tror på att det var Demi som svarade på frågorna!
Det kan ha varit någon annan som tex hennes mamma eller någon som jobbar för henne.
Fansen tror att det inte är Demi pga vissa av twitter användarna som skickade frågor inte ens fanns och så brukar Demi vara roligare när hon svarar,hon är inte så allvarlig!
Men vem vet någon kanske försöker lura oss bara för att vi ska tro att Demi är frisk? Vad tror du?
Celebrity crush
Niall från bandet One Direction blev frågad om vem som var hans "celebrity crush" och han svarade Demi:D
Ps; BIlden är inte riktig & jag laddar upp detta för att det inte händer något med Demi just nu.
2012-01-26 | 20:53:56 | Kategori:
Behind the style
2012-01-26 | 17:21:00 | Kategori:
Gif's - 3
Lägger upp pga brist på nyheter:)
It's not true
Skvallersidan blindgossip gick ut med en nyhet om Demi under natten..
Nyheten var att hon va inne på behandlingshem igen,efter droger,alkohol och att hon har slutat äta sina tabletter.
Jag tänker nu meddela er att ryktet är falskt,bara för att Demi tog en twitter paus så behöver inte det betyda att hon är inne på behandlingshem! Ifall du undrar hur jag vet att hon inte är på behandlingshemmet så litar jag 100% på Tiffany Thorntons tweet + Demis talsman och att det va Demi Moor som åkte in på rehab! :)
Så oroa er inte lovatics,she's fine!
Ifall du är intresserad av vad de skrev på blindgossip så kan du läsa det här;
PS; Varnar yngre läsare att inte läsa detta,för på deras hemsida så hade de "gömt" vissa ord så att det inte skulle bli för mycket för de yngre läsarna.
She's off her meds,it's not good. Demi has returned to the bahavior that got her into so much truble in the first place,inluding drugs,alcohol and self-harming.
It's almost surreal to hear her spout absolute bullshit about being healty and happy and sober when she is exactly the opposite. In fact,just a week ago she was out at some madhouse of a bar and drinking her ass,doing multiole shots and snorking coke in the bathroom.
Let's cut to the chase,and get more direct; Look,we know that you and your friends are reading this. It is absolute madness for you to think that this will end well. You are a beautiful and talented girl,but you ARE going to lose your fans and your career and probably your life if you keep this up.
2012-01-24 | 22:18:00 | Kategori:
People's Choice Award - Sminkning
(Lägger upp pga av brist på nyheter)
2012-01-24 | 18:27:00 | Kategori:
2012-01-24 | 15:49:00 | Kategori:
Första videobloggen - Demi & Selena
Från 2008!
(Lägger upp detta pga brist på nyheter)
2012-01-23 | 17:35:19 | Kategori:
Ute i Hollywood
Svar på tal; Sarah
Fick 2 kommentarer där ni undrade vem Sarah var.
Tjejen heter Sarah och hon finns även på twitter/flickr där hon heter sarahmonline.
Hennes pappa jobbar typ inom kändis branschen men jag minns inte med vad :( typ paparazzi elr nått.
Man kallar henne för Stalker Sarah eftersom att hon alltid vet vart alla kändisar är och hon är alltid på plats för att ta en bild + att hon alltid ser likadan ut på varje bild.
Här ser ni några av bilderna hon har tagit med Demi.
2012-01-22 | 13:38:03 | Kategori:
Med Sarah
Demi va ute med bla Miley,Liam och Ashley Tisdale här om dagen :)
2012-01-22 | 11:47:51 | Kategori:
Twitter paus
Tänkte bara tacka tjejerna som deltog i chattkvällen!
Hade sjukt kul & detta måste göras om,vi chatta i över 6h så vi hade inte tråkigt :D
Kommer sakna Birgitta (haha ni som inte var med fattar inte detta).
Kim - Mikaela - Canii - Courtney - Hibo - Warda - Birgitta - Lori - Emelie - Emil & alla andra som inte va med så länge ♥
Chattkväll ; Avslutad
Det var segt att chatta på denna grejen i bloggen.. Så ifall du vill vara med gå till; http://us4.chatzy.com/14953380656311
Chattkväll - Klockan 20;00 IKVÄLL
Hej! Det var ganska så många som sa ja, fast det borde vart fler som rösta eftersom att jag har över 400 läsare/dag.. Men men, jag kan inte tvinga er att rösta!
Vi kör igång klockan 20;00 ikväll och vi kan hålla på tills det blir tråkigt haha..
Det kommer komma upp en chattruta i ett inlägg vid 19;50 så vi hörs :D
& till er som ville vara med men inte kunde på denna tiden; vi får kanske fixa en till sånhär chattkväll,det beror på hur denna blir..
2012-01-21 | 14:48:44 | Kategori:
Privat bild
Denna bilden har fått väldigt många fans upprörda..de har till & med slutat gilla Demi!
Ny artikel till Seventeen Magazine
I am so in love with my Seventeen cover! It is such an honor to be on the cover and I am thrilled. The photos are so beautiful and I had such an amazing time on the shoot. It took place at a house in Topanga Canyon in California and the views were breathtaking. I loved that the photos were shot outside in such a beautiful setting. There was such a relaxing vibe to the place. I want to thank everyone that worked on the shoot that day and made it so much fun.I have been reading Seventeen since I was a kid. Although I have been on the cover before, I feel like this time it is even more special to me because I am more confident and comfortable in my own skin. I can now be honest in interviews and show my true self to the readers. This cover is like a fresh start for me. It's a presentation of who I am right now and how I'm working on myself and continue to grow as a person.Thank you to all the readers! I had a magazine signing at a Barnes and Noble and hundreds of you guys came out to visit me. What an amazing feeling to have so many wonderful fans and supporters. The issues of Seventeen even sold out in a few hours!! I am so lucky to have each and every one of you as a fan and friend. I love it when I get an opportunity to see all of your faces and hear your voices.
Stay Strong!
2012-01-20 | 14:18:46 | Kategori:
Privat bild
hej jag fick en fråga av en läsare idag som undrade om jag kunde hålla i en chattkväll. Jag tror att den läsaren ville att vi skulle chatta,men jag vet inte om vad..så jag tänkte "vad ska vi chatta om,om inte Demi?" haah..ganska självklart ju. Aja,skulle ialf uppskatta om ni svarade på frågan ovanför.
Och om tillräckligt många svarar Ja,då kommer den vara på Lördag kväll..
Februari - Bop Magazine
Finns att köpa på Presstop i Februari
2012-01-19 | 20:00:47 | Kategori:
Nya bilder
2012-01-18 | 15:15:22 | Kategori:
Universal intervju
2012-01-18 | 15:13:42 | Kategori:
Ny bild från L Strickland 2009
2012-01-17 | 16:04:00 | Kategori:
Sweet 16
21 Augusti 2008
(Lägger upp detta pga brist på nyheter)
2012-01-16 | 07:36:03 | Kategori:
Med Sara
Vet inte när bilden togs :S
2012-01-16 | 07:33:37 | Kategori:
15 Januari - Lämnar Roosevelt i Hollywood
2012-01-16 | 07:31:48 | Kategori:
Beauty Book
Fotograferings bild från the beauty book! :)
2012-01-15 | 12:04:00 | Kategori:
Fine take your banana
Vet ej om ni har sett denna men när Demi var ute med Jonas brothers så gjorde de massa videoklipp och detta är en utav dem. Från 2008.
(Lägger upp detta pga brist på nyheter)
2012-01-13 | 15:44:24 | Kategori:
2012 People's Choice
2012-01-13 | 15:43:52 | Kategori:
Vevo Go Show - Behind The Scenes
2012-01-13 | 15:41:59 | Kategori:
Ny bild från twitter
Went to the Grand Canyon today!!!! Haha who knew i'd end up there this morning?!!
2012-01-13 | 15:40:18 | Kategori:
Vevo go show
Om du inte kan se det,klicka
Ryan Seacrest pratar om Dilmer
Med sitt pris - PCA
2012-01-12 | 17:07:16 | Kategori:
2 nya bilder från twitter
2012-01-12 | 17:06:06 | Kategori:
Privat bild från PCA
2012-01-12 | 16:58:16 | Kategori:
Uppträder på PCA 2012 - Video
I slutet ser man när hon vinner sitt pris också:)
2012-01-12 | 16:54:14 | Kategori:
Uppträder på PCA 2012
PCA 2012
Har Demi och Wilmer gjort slut?
För er som inte förstår Engelska så skrev Demi på twitter "Det smartaste en kvinna kan göra är att aldrig behöva en man".
2012-01-11 | 20:18:10 | Kategori:
Intervju med JustJared
JJ: What qualities do you look for in a friendship?
DL: What I look forward to in a good friend is just people that I can trust and that are honest to me and people that are really open. People that aren’t afraid to tell me that my butt looks big in a dress (laughs). I also look for people that I can really trust with valuable information.
JJ: You were amazing at the Latin Grammys performing in Spanish. Would you do a Spanish record in the future?
DL: Maybe! That would be awesome!
JJ: You look fantastic on the new cover of Seventeen!
DL: Thank you! It’s a huge honor. I’m really blessed to be a contributing editor and to be that young voice for people that need to hear somebody speak about issues that they have been struggling with.
JJ: You had a lot of success in 2011, what are you looking to do next musically?
DL: Musically I want to perform or have something to do with the Grammys one day, so that’s on my bucket list. To be nominated or win one, or something, I don’t know, it would be a dream come true for me.
JJ: What song will you be singing at the People’s Choice Awards next week?
DL: I’ll be performing my new single “Give Your Heart a Break.”
2012-01-11 | 19:03:00 | Kategori:
Jemi genom åren
Jemi = Joe och Demi
(Lägger upp detta pga brist på nyheter)
2012-01-11 | 08:52:31 | Kategori:
Loving Yourself First
2012-01-09 | 18:54:00 | Kategori:
Dallas Lovato
Demis syster är med i en reklamfilm! Tänkte ladda upp den här för det är inte ofta man ser henne :)
Plus att det inte finns mkt nyheter idag.
2012-01-08 | 20:46:33 | Kategori:
7 Januari - Lexington Social Club
2012-01-08 | 13:00:00 | Kategori:
Ny twitter bild
2012-01-07 | 22:19:00 | Kategori:
Demi Lovato lockar
(lägger upp detta pga brist på nyheter)
2012-01-06 | 23:53:00 | Kategori:
Demi Lovato Inspired Makeup Tutorial
(Lägger upp detta pga brist på nyheter)
2012-01-06 | 10:33:21 | Kategori:
F Bertrand 2011
4 Januari - Power Of Friendship Luncheon
4 Januari - Barnes & Noble
2012-01-05 | 15:07:05 | Kategori:
Intervju med Seventeen
17: You've worked so hard to get past the tough times but when you are having a bad day now how do you deal?
Demi Lovato: I feel it, rather then suppressing it. Just recently, I had one thought, This guy was flipping me off in traffic, my heads pounding. I don't feel good. But its out of my control. It's nothing I should jeopardize my health for. I put myself first now.
17:Were there people around you who were trying to help you but were actually hurting you?
DL:I don't think anybody enabled me--people didn't realize how serious the problem was. Nobody saw how ugly it got, because I kept it such a secret. Its easy to hide, its very easy to manipulate people.
17:Who was there for you?
DL:There are two people who No matter how many times we fight, we will always be in each others' lives,"Miley and I are very strong-headed, so when we fight, it's brutal and we're like, 'We're never going to be friends again!' Then two days later, we're like, 'I love you and I miss you!'" Selena and I never fight "She's not a confrontational person at all. Both of them will never leave my life no matter what happens, because we've been through so much together.
17:Did anyone surprise you with there support?
DL:Were not super close "We're not super-close, but Taylor Swift tweeted 'Pray for Demi,' which I thought was really awesome of her. And Kim Kardashian, the busiest woman on the planet took time to call me." We met at the white house Corespondents dinner and I was like "Omg I love your makeup" She's like "I love your's" And we became best friends. Then I went to treatment, and she was there for me when not many people were. I can count on my finger how many people were. After I got out of treatment. I turned on my on my phone and there were only four text messages----I was like wow that shows who really was my friend and who was just hanging out with me because I would party with them.
17:Do you still go out?
DL:I'm 19! you can't tell me to never go out again I used to hang out with people who were negative influences. Now I hang out with people who are sober, healthy and positive. That's what people need to do and surround themselves with. You are who your friends are Now if I want to socialize I, I'll go out and sip a red bull.
17: What do you think would have happened if you wouldn't have gone into treatment?
DL: I don't know. I've been hospitalized for cutting too far, and it's the scariest thing knowing that you could've gone just a little bit farther and died (side-eyeing you right now dianna)
17: So many girls look up to you has the meaning of role model changed to you?
DL: Before I was pretending to be this role model that I new I wasn't and that was the hardest thing for me because at the time I was just like I want to be a singer and a actress. I don't want to be a role model. Now I am proud to be a role model I am so open with everything. I'm not doing anything scandolous.
17: How do you keep up with your self-esteem?
DL: There are times were I want to were sweatpants and I'm just, Screw it, I don't want to dress today! But I know that most of it is my mind telling me that I'm ugly or that I'm not thin enough or not good enough, and I remind myself. Thats the voice that got you in trouble. Remember that you're beautifully and carefully made this way for a reason. I'm not suppose to be stick thin. Maybe I could use a little toning up in some places, but is it going to turn me back into having an eating disorder? No. I worked way to hard on getting healthy.
17: What do you love most about yourself?
DL: My confidence. To be able to look somebody in the eyes and say,"I do't care if you think my arms are chubby or whatever I am the way I am"
17: What do you like best about your body?
DL: My butt its gotten big---and awesome!
17: You and Joe Jonas have been recentally tweeting each other. Do you think it is possible to be friends with your exes?
DL: Yeah definitively. The key is not to hate your ex. Easier said then done. but don't let the toxicity build up in your system, because the negative just sits in your body and soul.
17: What are you looking forward to this year?
DL: I think it would be cool to go hiking in every country I would visit on tour. This tour feels more special. I'm more confident, happy, and healthy and I think it shows in my performance, which makes each day more rewarding and fun. I hope I stay as happy and healthy as I am today.
17: What do you think you have learned about yourself this past year?
DL: That I am worthy enough, beautiful enough, and I don't need anything else, including a guy, to feel whole. I don't need anyone but myself. Its a pretty good revelation!
2012-01-04 | 23:32:25 | Kategori:
Ny privat bild från Seventeen Magazine
2012-01-04 | 11:06:50 | Kategori:
Video från Seventeen fotograferingen
2012-01-04 | 11:04:02 | Kategori:
Seventeen Magazine
Detta är lite av det som stod i den artikeln;
Now: Clean and Healthy
"I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I don't throw up after my meals, I don't starve myself," says Demi. There's nothing that I do that I feel ashamed of."
Sober is Sexy
"I think sober is sexy. It's cool. I think it's way cooler to be above the influence than under the influence."
A Typical Friday Night...
"Now on Friday nights, if I want to go hang out with friends, I go hang out with friends. If I want to stay in and be in the hot tub and have people over to watch movies, I do that. I have more fun doing that than I did making the stupid decisions that I did back in the day."
Friends For Life
"There are two people that no matter how many times we fight, we will always be in each other's lives. [Miley Cyrus and I] are strong-headed. Selena [Gomez] and I, we never fight."
Body Acceptance
"I'm not supposed to be stick thin — my body's not made to be that way. I feel like I have a good butt. I don't have boobs, but I got a butt!"
2012-01-04 | 11:00:29 | Kategori:
31 December - Lämnar sitt hotell igen
Detta var innan hon åkte till MTV :)
2012-01-04 | 10:55:05 | Kategori:
Nya twitter bilder
2012-01-03 | 19:40:15 | Kategori:
Med Lauren Martin
2012-01-03 | 19:39:06 | Kategori:
31 December - Lämnar sitt hotell
2012-01-03 | 19:33:53 | Kategori:
31 December - Sjunger på MTV's New Years Eve
2012-01-03 | 19:26:57 | Kategori:
31 December - MTV's New Years Eve med Selena
2012-01-03 | 19:22:28 | Kategori:
Give Your Heart A Break - MTV
2012-01-03 | 19:20:25 | Kategori:
Nya privata bilder
2012-01-03 | 19:15:43 | Kategori:
Melanie Wehbe - Give your heart a break
Denna tjejen skickade en kommentar och frågade om jag kunde lägga upp en av hennes videos där hon sjunger Give your heart a break ! Självklart så lyssnade jag på låten och jag lägger även upp den här på bloggen.
Ni kan även gå in på hennes fanpage på fb och gilla den! :D Klicka
här för att komma till den.