2012-02-16 | 22:27:52 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Demi är inte nominerad till KCA!

Årets Kids Choice Awards nomineringar släpptes idag och Demi är inte med på listan!
Hon är inte den ända fd Disney kändisen som inte är med, Miley Cyrus och Jonas brothers är inte
heller med. Men vi får hoppas på att hon kommer och kollar :)
Nyfiken på vilka som kom med? Klicka HÄR för att se listan.

2012-02-16 | 22:12:05 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Vart är Demi?

Många fans runt om i världen undrar vart Demi har tagit vägen,efter många rykten så fick vi entligen svar från hennes team!
Demi är för tillfället på semester där hon har tillbringat mycket tid hos ett professionellt supportteam som hjälper henne med psykiska och känslomässiga frågor. Demi blev inte tvingad till att åka in dit, men hon kände att hon behövde få prata med någon innan det blev värre.  Detta är mycket bättre än förra gången då hon åkte in på behandlingshem, alla behöver hjälp ibland och Demi får den hjälpen hon behöver! :)

2012-02-04 | 20:56:58 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Grattis Dallas !

Demis syster Dallas Lovato fyller 24 idag, grattis!
Gå in på twitter och skicka henne ett grattis tweet,klicka här för att komma dit :D

2012-01-27 | 15:54:05 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Celebrity crush

Niall från bandet One Direction blev frågad om vem som var hans "celebrity crush" och han svarade Demi:D
Ps; BIlden är inte riktig & jag laddar upp detta för att det inte händer något med Demi just nu.

2012-01-25 | 16:11:28 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

It's not true

Skvallersidan blindgossip gick ut med en nyhet om Demi under natten..
Nyheten var att hon va inne på behandlingshem igen,efter droger,alkohol och att hon har slutat äta sina tabletter.
Jag tänker nu meddela er att ryktet är falskt,bara för att Demi tog en twitter paus så behöver inte det betyda att hon är inne på behandlingshem!  Ifall du undrar hur jag vet att hon inte är på behandlingshemmet så litar jag 100% på Tiffany Thorntons tweet + Demis talsman och att det va Demi Moor som åkte in på rehab! :)
Så oroa er inte lovatics,she's fine!
Ifall du är intresserad av vad de skrev på blindgossip så kan du läsa det här;
PS; Varnar yngre läsare att inte läsa detta,för på deras hemsida så hade de "gömt" vissa ord så att det inte skulle bli för mycket för de yngre läsarna.
She's off her meds,it's not good. Demi has returned to the bahavior that got her into so much truble in the first place,inluding drugs,alcohol and self-harming.
It's almost surreal to hear her spout absolute bullshit about being healty and happy and sober when she is exactly the opposite. In fact,just a week ago she was out at some madhouse of a bar and drinking her ass,doing multiole shots and snorking coke in the bathroom.
Let's cut to the chase,and get more direct; Look,we know that you and your friends are reading this. It is absolute madness for you to think that this will end well. You are a beautiful and talented girl,but you ARE going to lose your fans and your career and probably your life if you keep this up.

2012-01-20 | 14:19:01 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Ny artikel till Seventeen Magazine

I am so in love with my Seventeen cover! It is such an honor to be on the cover and I am thrilled. The photos are so beautiful and I had such an amazing time on the shoot. It took place at a house in Topanga Canyon in California and the views were breathtaking. I loved that the photos were shot outside in such a beautiful setting. There was such a relaxing vibe to the place. I want to thank everyone that worked on the shoot that day and made it so much fun.

I have been reading Seventeen since I was a kid. Although I have been on the cover before, I feel like this time it is even more special to me because I am more confident and comfortable in my own skin. I can now be honest in interviews and show my true self to the readers. This cover is like a fresh start for me. It's a presentation of who I am right now and how I'm working on myself and continue to grow as a person.

Thank you to all the readers! I had a magazine signing at a Barnes and Noble and hundreds of you guys came out to visit me. What an amazing feeling to have so many wonderful fans and supporters. The issues of Seventeen even sold out in a few hours!! I am so lucky to have each and every one of you as a fan and friend. I love it when I get an opportunity to see all of your faces and hear your voices.

Stay Strong!

2012-01-12 | 17:16:30 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Ryan Seacrest pratar om Dilmer

Dilmer = Demi och Wilmer

2012-01-11 | 20:48:51 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Har Demi och Wilmer gjort slut?

För er som inte förstår Engelska så skrev Demi på twitter "Det smartaste en kvinna kan göra är att aldrig behöva en man".

2012-01-08 | 13:30:35 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter


2011-12-29 | 23:13:08 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Rösta på 2011 bästa förebild!

Här kan ni rösta på Demi ifall ni tycker att hon borde vinna 2011 års förebild! :D
Vill även tacka anonym för tipset.

2011-12-28 | 13:06:54 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Grattis Madison!

Demis lillasyster fyller år idag,grattis :D

2011-12-27 | 23:09:21 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Ny artikel till Seventeen Magazine

I cannot believe it is almost Christmas! I’m headed to Dallas in a few days so I can spend Christmas in my hometown and I am really excited. I'm also very excited to have a week off. I am going to relax and spend time with my family. When I go to Texas for the holidays I stay in my childhood room which makes me really nostalgic. I have lived in that house since I was a toddler and there are so many memories there.

I also am thrilled to head to New York City for New Year's Eve in Times Square! I cannot believe I get to co-host MTV's NYE with Tyler Posey and perform my new single, "Give Your Heart a Break." I am so excited to share this song with all my fans. Also to be in Times Square watching the ball drop at midnight is surreal. I am really lucky to be in the place I am this holiday season.

Holidays can be wonderful for many people, but they can also be difficult for others. I’ve had difficult holidays myself and I hope that everyone out there who is struggling this holiday season can reach out and talk to someone about whatever hardships they may be experiencing. I also wish every single one of you a healthy and happy holiday season and amazing New Year. See you in 2012!!!

Stay Strong!


2011-12-21 | 07:53:07 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Årets Kvinna - Celebuzz

Demi har blivit utsedd Årets Kvinna hos Celebuzz!
Detta skrev celebuzz:
Over the past year, a myriad of celebrities have been riding high thanks to their talent, personalities and good deeds. A hefty amount of consideration to even narrow a category like Woman of the Year down to a final few candidates was absolutely necessary given the sheer amount of celebrities doing great things both on screen and in real life. One, however, stood out as a star that has gone far and beyond expectations both professionally and personally this year, and that person is Demi Lovato.

Back during the first days of January, Demi’s year ahead was entirely up in the air, and things could have gone either way. Having just left a treatment facility for eating disorders and opening up about being bullied in her past, Demi’s entry back into the spotlight after two months away raised a lot of question marks. Could she handle the pressure Hollywood tends to put on today’s young stars? Would there be too many distractions? Was she really ready? As it turns out, yes, yes and yes.

While some stars who are forced to deal with their demons tend to go into a form of celebrity solitary — blocking out the media and their fans entirely while trying to work on themselves — Demi used both mediums to her advantage. Her fans were an absolute essential part of her recovery, a notion she made clear during her first public statement after treatment:

“I can’t tell you how much light you guys brought into my life in probably the darkest time in my life. Without you guys, I wouldn’t be here today … I can’t wait to see you in person and thank you guys individually. I love all of you and I couldn’t have done this without you.”

It was that honesty and bright-eyed thankfulness that helped Demi stay focused on her recovery — and turn the worst time in her life into one of optimism and responsibility. Not only did she work on her own issues, but she became a spokeswoman aiming to help teens and anyone else who might also face the same woes she was dealing with. Gone was the notion of selfish celebrity, and here was a woman looking to use her negatives to help turn the lives of others around.

2011-12-01 | 22:00:15 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Säljer guld i Brasilien

Unbroken sålde Guld i Brasilien igår! Den har sålt över 20.000 kopior! Grattis Demi :D

2011-11-15 | 14:18:59 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Seventeen omslaget

Ett utav dessa två omslag kommer att börja säljas inom 1-3 månader. När den väl är ute så kommer säkert fotograferingarna också komma ut & om du vill köpa tidningen så finns det att köpa på Presstop! :) 
Men det kommer som sagt ta ett par månader för tidningen att komma ut just för att Seventeen inte ens har publicerat bilderna än:)

2011-11-09 | 16:28:23 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Ny artikel till Seventeen

I am getting prepped for tour this week. I am so excited to get back on the road. One of my favorite parts of getting ready for tour is choosing my tour wardrobe. I get to try on all these amazing clothes - it is so much fun!!! I try to choose outfits that are comfortable to wear and fun. I also need to be able to move around in the clothes and the heels cannot be too high to dance. There are a few costume changes during my performance so I also need to be able to completely change an outfit in just a few minutes. I love getting all dressed up for a show and getting to wear such amazing clothes!Some of the looks being created for tour include amazing rock star pieces, like studded boots, vintage rocker tees, sequined tops and a beautiful glammed out black jacket with metal spikes on the shoulders. Who knows - we may even throw in a faux fur vest and some glitter!!

It is so fun to pick out stage clothes because you can choose something over the top - there can never be too much glitter and sequins. When I have a great outfit on that I love, it helps me bring confidence to the stage which really enhances my performance!

When I go shopping for everyday clothes I try to find clothes that are comfortable and fit my personality. My style is pretty eclectic and depends on my mood. Sometimes I love to dress more bohemian and other times I dress more funky or retro. Right now some of my favorite everyday clothes are my Jeffrey Campbell shoes, a vintage colorful jacket and a pleated leather skirt that I wear everywhere!

I also love to wear dresses and high-heeled booties with a cool hat...and, of course, some great red lipstick! I believe that your clothes should show your personality and make you feel great. When I am confident in my clothes it shows in the way I carry myself and that works better for me that following any trend. I wore a leopard print Vivienne Westwood dress on Jimmy Fallon and I felt so amazing walking out on stage in that dress. Her designs always give me such confidence. I buy clothes that I love regardless of what is in style.

Stay Strong!


2011-11-05 | 00:10:06 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Ny tatuering!

Nu har Demi skaffat sig ännu en tatuering och denna gången är det en vänskaps tatuering med hennes kompis Hanna Beth! På den första bilden så är det Hannas tatuering och på den 2a så är det Demis (fast den är in zoomad från när hon var på stan). Det står Rock N Roll på båda!

2011-11-02 | 10:04:37 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Latin Grammy

Demi ska vara med på Latin Grammy den 10 November :)

2011-10-31 | 23:17:37 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

Slutar sändas

Sonnys Chans och Hannah Montana kommer slutas sändas över hela världen snart. Just nu visar de repriser men inte ens repriserna kommer sändas mer. Det börjar i Usa men sedan ska det bort från hela världen.
Jag tror att detta händer för att både Demi och Miley Cyrus inte har ett kontrakt med Disney längre.

2011-10-30 | 11:33:57 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter

The Beauty Book

Demi och en massa andra kändisar är med i The Beauty Book som är gjord utav Darren Tieste.
Olika kändisar har gjort fotograferingar för att visa att de stödjer kampen mot cancer!
PS; Dålig uppdatering pga att det inte händer mycket med Demi just nu!

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