2013-01-11 | 14:35:00 | Kategori: Skvaller/Nyheter
Rykte: Vart bor Demi?
Demi Lovato is rich and famous, and can afford to live just about anywhere she wants but we've learned she's been living in a fairly spartan sober living facility for more than a year.
It's actually pretty awesome Demi does not want to fall back into the grip of addiction, where she found herself back in 2010, when she admitted she had problems with anorexia, bulimia and cutting.
After going to rehab, the 20-year-old seemed better, but ultimately felt she needed the support and guidance from counselors and other addicts who understood her situation. Sources tell us shortly after her inpatient rehab, she moved into a facility in the L.A. area. It's interesting considering she also owns a very nice home in L.A..
We're told during the entire season of "X Factor" Demi felt it was best to come home to the facility, where she wouldn't lose her way. As for how long she'll stay there it's undetermined.
In a town with a lot of stars who never figure it out, it's pretty amazing when you see someone as young as her make such good decisions.
It's actually pretty awesome Demi does not want to fall back into the grip of addiction, where she found herself back in 2010, when she admitted she had problems with anorexia, bulimia and cutting.
After going to rehab, the 20-year-old seemed better, but ultimately felt she needed the support and guidance from counselors and other addicts who understood her situation. Sources tell us shortly after her inpatient rehab, she moved into a facility in the L.A. area. It's interesting considering she also owns a very nice home in L.A..
We're told during the entire season of "X Factor" Demi felt it was best to come home to the facility, where she wouldn't lose her way. As for how long she'll stay there it's undetermined.
In a town with a lot of stars who never figure it out, it's pretty amazing when you see someone as young as her make such good decisions.
Demi Lovato är rik och berömd, och har råd att bo nästan var som helst hon vill, men vi har lärt oss att hon har bott i en ganska spartansk nykter levande anläggning för mer än ett år. Det är faktiskt ganska häftigt Demi inte vill falla tillbaka i greppet av missbruk, där hon befann sig redan 2010, då hon medgav att hon hade problem med anorexi, bulimi och skärning.
Efter att ha gått till rehab, verkade den 20-åriga bättre, men i slutändan kände hon behövde stöd och vägledning från rådgivare och andra missbrukare som förstod hennes situation. Källor berättar kort efter hennes slutenvård rehab, flyttade hon in i en anläggning i området LA. Det är intressant med tanke på att hon också äger en mycket trevlig hem i LA.
Vi berättade under hela säsongen av "X Factor" Demi kände att det var bäst att komma hem till anläggningen, där hon inte skulle förlora sin väg. När det gäller hur länge hon ska bo där är det inte fastställd. I en stad med många stjärnor som aldrig räkna ut, det är ganska fantastiskt när du ser någon så ung som hon gör så bra beslut.